Saturday, May 22, 2010

South Florida photographer - from my inbox... to yours.

I'm having a lot of inquiries from my fellow photogs about different subjects.
One of the most common ones is about my templates a.k.a. collages a.k.a. composites, etc.
The answer is (because it's not really a secret):
I create my own :) just piling up layers... I don't go smaller than 11x14 (95% of the time).
I start w/ a transparent background, lay out the pics and then cover w/color borders...
I've been working with Smugmug (the platform that handles my private galleries and professional printing, yes! you can tell I love this co.) and I like their 11x14... not too big, not too small.
If I'm working on a wedding book I try to keep some steady measurements/colors along the process but most of the time the images dictate their display.
There are very good "ready to go" templates out there available for purchasing BUT... I like to have control of my collages, that's the major reason I do it this way.

Then, my fav of this week was the following one:
Professional question - I hope you don't mind me asking some professional advise :-) But you have been in business longer than me so I thought you might be a good resource for this issue.
I have a client that has scanned in prints from their order they received today here on Facebook. Do you confront a client about copyrights here on FB? I don't want to anger the client but also don't want my images stolen? Thanks,

My answer:
You mean... she purchased prints from you and then scanned and uploaded to FB? If that's the case, I won't worry about her friends/family re-printing from FB...
Uploads to Facebook are automatically resized to about 600 x 400 pixels :)
Am I understanding correctly? Hope so.

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